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Her finder du inspiration og viden om digitale arbejdspladser, intranetløsninger og dokumenthåndtering.
I Omnia arrangerer vi regelmæssigt webinarer, udgiver whitepapers og blog-indlæg om vores erfaringer med at implementere løsninger til intern kommunikation, socialt samarbejde, vidensdeling og styring af kvalitet og informationssikkerhed.
Vælg indhold
- Webinar
- Webinar
- Knowledge sharing for competitive edge
- Webinar
- Boosting your intranet with AI
- Webinar
- The Business Case for a High-Performance Intranet
- Webinar
- From Good to Great: Capabilities Every Intranet Needs
- On-demand webinars
Boosting your intranet with AI
- On-demand webinars
Structured Document Management
- On-demand webinars
Tips for improving internal communication
- On-demand webinars
Building a quality management system within your intranet
- Video, On-demand webinars
Using communities to improve knowledge sharing
- On-demand webinars
Effective onboarding of new employees
- On-demand webinars
Manage learning resources to help employees developing new skills
- On-demand webinars
Comparing common intranet expectations with Microsoft 365
- On-demand webinars
A frontline workers case study
- On-demand webinars
How intranets can support HR
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